B3ND3R: starting over again
I’ve gone on about being addicted to Reverb, my drug of choice. My previous recordings and collaborations were drenched with…
bicycle ride
There’s deadlines and then there’s drop-deadlines. For this soundtrack for the award-winning firm SsD I had 5 hours to write, perform, record…
nakamichi bx-1 cassette deck
So many of us geeks that grew up in the ’80s and ’90s were moved by Rutger Hauer’s ‘Tears in the Rain’ monologue at the end of the…
roland octa-capture
Several years ago, I wrote about being a Nomadic-Utopist — a true “N-ut” being someone that believes that utopia is not fixed in space…
I customize all my instruments in one way or another, hopefully in artful and subtle ways, but there are always those extreme cases…
B3ND3R: We Were the Young Americans
“You have to lose that fake British accent.” Stephen Bender had a penchant for calling out any kind of pretension. It was 1995 and he…
tascam 234 4-track
Now that my final 4-track effort statik 3 has been uploaded I want to pay homage to the cassette 4-track recorder that liberated the…
c’ville box
In 1990 I took my first photography course under a die-hard disciple of the Bauhaus (not the band, but the art school in germany ;-) On the…
Stone’s Throw: Bromances vs. Blood Brothers
Before there were light-hearted Hollywood ‘bromances’ there was the much more serious bond of ‘blood brothers.’ A blood brother…
Black and White
“I’m done playing music to a bunch of white guys standing around in a room.” Being lily-white-male himself, this was quite a proclamation from…